The clothes of monks, nuns, Buddhists have many names such as for legal, forensic, septic loaded server, septic uniform, outstanding applications for legal, lotus recovery, server liberation, liberation colon Minister Apparel, Export World Apparel, Apparel glass ceiling, no structural recovery, saffron …Costumes of Buddhism in our country is very rich and diverse and this is best realized in the implementation and daily rituals. Looking at the nun’s garb see also sects of Buddhism. Vietnam Buddhism has many sects, which mainly Mahayana sects and Theravada. Because there are many different views on forms and colors for each denomination legal, so the people of every denomination ordained do not want to change clothes characteristic of his sect.
What we’re seeing pictures of the brown shirt, yellow, blue or indigo conjure the image simple life, ordinary people who ordained. Venerable Thich Tam Dinh, Linh Quang Pagoda, Truc Ninh, Nam Dinh province said: the color is the color of earth, the incense, the leaves, tubers, roots, very homely intimacy with life often. It is especially in times of industrialization, modernization of today, this color gives notice cultivate peaceful place. This article I discussed in greater detail to the clothes of Vietnam Buddhist Mahayana.
Costumes Mahayana Buddhist Vietnam currently includes: clothes everyday and ceremonial costumes. Costumes daily divided into 2 types: plain clothes in temples and casual seating. Traditionally, the clothes worn in the temple is the yellow shirt, brown, blue and long pants. The new-home (also called novices, novices) usually wear blue. When sitting or off the long brown coat for the monks, a blue tunic for nuns. Venerable Thich Gia Quang said today there are some usual daily monks dressed in yellow. The wear yellow or brown not express high or low positions, which can not make the monk noble or ignoble. Yellow kit worn everyday emerged in recent years. Austrian daily and ceremonial robe various forms, the biggest in the sleeve. Everyday small sleeves, longer sleeves wider ritual. Costumes aka ceremonial vestments, is the kind you wear to perform Buddhist rituals. This type of vestments Mahayana monks preserved to this day. Especially, in the vestments of Mahayana Buddhism also has rear coat, for the monks dressed in yellow, blue shirt nuns.Besides daily costumes and vestments monk also has brown coat CASA or yellow, depending on rank. Casa Austria is a cloth almost square, so many small cloth joined on certain specifications.
According to Buddhist legend, shirt CASA formed from pieces of cloth of people contributed to the quarterfinals for the practice. When multiple pieces of cloth and then, the monks invite ask Buddha said so dressed styled any way. Human crossing a field, Buddha and transmitted immediately pointing garment in the form of plots. Therefore where the sleeve is also called legal CASA being filled, the rice pray more, they generate prosperity.
Theravada Buddhism, also known as Theravada by way similar to the way of living the monastic life of the Buddha. Among them, the raiment of Theravada monks is modeled similar to the garb of monks living Buddha. Theravada monks sect, costumes unfortunately the clothes as Mahayana sect that only yellow cloth draped over him. That means, the Theravada monks wrapped y instead of “health campaign” by a monk’s robe a large cloth, sewn from small pieces of fabric.
Whenever see renouncers formal wear or casual, the image was still proud of the distinctions of the Vietnam Buddhist monks.
Thus, we see, although Theravada sect and Mahayana, style and color of the medicine does not have a completely identical, but the heterogeneity that has created its own definition through recovery measures.
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